Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Time flies

A special little boy turns four today, Happy Birthday Finn, I hope this next year is filled with as much fun and adventures as you can imagine.

It's amazing how fast time seems to go by when you've got you head down and bum up in day to day life. There are all these kids around me that seem to be growing and changing at an unbelievable rate. My little ratbag included. Thought I'd take the time last night to reflect a little on just how much he has changed.

Credits : Paper from “Lucky Star” free kit by Gina Cabrera of ; Frames created in Adobe PSE ; Fonts used Scriptina and Georgia ; Software used Adobe PSE

Oh and speaking of time moving quickly, I caught sight of my pregnancy ticker today. Holy snapping duck shit batman!!! We're down to double digits as of tomorrow. eeeeekk

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

1 comment:

FeistyKel said...

You are amazing. I was sitting here, Finn is in bed, asleep now. And I read your post and the tears have started to flow.. I was doing so well..

Your boy is just stunning, what a spunk! They are growing far too fast. Thank you for letting me share it all with you my friend. xxx