Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Babe in Arms

Well I'm back and my precious little babe has arrived.

Jack was born two weeks early at 1:15 am on the 2nd of November. He weighed 2820 grams or 6lbs 4oz, was 47 cms long and his head circumference was 33.5 cms. The birth was very fast but without complication and we were able to leave hospital about 14 hours later.

Everything seems to be going well with bub so far, I'm more relaxed with all the technical baby stuff this time I think. I, on the other hand, am feeling a little fragile. I feel a little disappointed and let down by the lack of enthusiasm shown by most of our family and friends. Even after everything we've been through nobody seems interested or as excited about Jack's arrival. It took my own father more than a week after Jack was born to visit us.

I don't know, maybe I expect too much. It's not like I want to talk boobs and baby poop 24/7, but geez it'd be nice to have a few visitors, or have someone ask how we are really doing. I want to show off my little miracle, but nobody seems to have the time for us.

Anyway, that was a little too self indulgent.... on to more important things, here is my special little man