Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Have you noticed how certain smells can trigger a memory? I've always been intrigued by aromas, they seem to have such an effect on me and my favourites can always be linked to a happy memory.

As a six or seven year old I remember the smell that was created when my mum filled out my school tuckshop order. I was only allowed to have a tuckshop lunch once a fortnight and it was a big deal to sit down with mum the night before and decide on my order. She would write my name, class and order on the front of a brown paper bag with a nicko pen. The smelly pen would emit this odour that resembled banana and metho. It would fill the room as soon as she took the lid off. I could still smell it the following day when I was handed my lunch after the tuckshop box had been delivered to the classroom.

When my husband and I started seeing each other I would always wear my 'good' perfume when I was around him. He always to this day comments on the scent and how many wonderful memories he has that are associated with it. It's the same for me and the aftershave that he wears. Every time he wears it I am bombarded by the memories from our early days together and our wedding.

Somebody told me while I was pregnant with our son that there was nothing in this world like the smell of an unborn baby. I never thought they'd be so right. It's such an indescribable aroma and one that I haven't experienced since Brock's was all sniffed out. I'm looking forward to being able to experience that beautiful smell once again.

Today I decided to make a start on all the baby washing that needs to be done before November. I honestly wasn't prepared for the emotions involved in performing such a simple task. As I filled the machine with the first load of terry flats, I thought it funny that I was actually here again, getting our lives ready to welcome another little person into our world. Then once the water had filled I opened the new bottle of Amolin washing liquid and it hit me. This smell that was pure 100% memory filled bliss. As I stirred the liquid through the water, the scent danced around me and my eyes filled with tears at the memories that came flooding back. Tiny baby clothes hanging on the line, then folded neatly in their place waiting to be used. Walking into the room and being confronted by the exact same smell, knowing that I was about to become a mummy. Sitting in the rocking chair in the wee hours of the morning holding this tiny person in my arms and vowing to never forget such precious moments. All this from one simple smell.

This intoxicating scent has taken me back to such a beautiful moment, that I'm sitting here with tears rolling down my cheeks remembering all the wonderful moments in those first few weeks with my baby boy. I've never actually wanted to do washing so much in my life LOL

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